@ Goldsmiths
Music, Mind & Brain
Katie Rose Sanfillipo
PhD Student
Katie Rose holds two undergraduate degrees from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. She holds one BA in Music with an emphasis in vocal performance and choral conducting and another in psychology. She obtained a MSc in Music, Mind and Brain at Goldsmiths, University of London in 2015. She spent two years working part-time as a research assistant at Nordoff Robbins and has worked with other charities, such as Choirs Beating Time and Age UK, looking at the impact of choirs on peoples’ well-being. She is currently a PhD student at Goldsmiths under the supervision for Prof. Lauren Stewart and co-supervised by Prof Vivette Glover at Imperial College London. Her research is investigating emotion perception changes during pregnancy, using vocalizations and music as tools to measure these potential perceptual changes. She is also researching how music can also be used to a tool to help support pregnant women, in The Gambia and the UK, who may be experiencing maternal mental distress.
Pedro Douglass Kirk
PhD Student
Pedro has been awarded a fully funded PhD position researching musical aids for stroke rehabilitation and recently completed the MSc in Music Mind and Brain at Goldsmiths University of London. He has worked within a highly interdisciplinary group between the Psychology and Computing Departments at Goldsmiths developing and evaluating digital musical instruments (DMIs) for stroke rehabilitation. The project received international recognition by being awarded first prize in the student research competition at the CHI 2015 human computer interaction conference in Seoul, Korea.
Zehra Karademir
PhD Student
Zehra graduated from Roehampton University in 2010 with a BSc (Hons) in Psychology. She subsequently completed an MSc in Child Development at UCL Institute of Education, with a dissertation focusing on the relationship of maternal speech to children’s executive function and perspective-taking abilities. Following that she obtained a research master’s in Research Methods in Psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London. She is currently a PhD student at Goldsmiths under the supervision of Dr. Caspar Addyman and Prof. Lauren Stewart, exploring how do infants recognize and respond emotion in music, and how musical family environment impact on their skills.