@ Goldsmiths
Music, Mind & Brain
Art, Music and the Brain:
A 2-day celebration of the science of the arts
@ Goldsmiths
Two days full of exciting research in the intersection of the arts and neuroscience, including social events and networking opportunities. Featuring keynote speakers Robert Pepperell and Rebecca Schaefer.
Located in the Richard Hogarth Building (RHB) 342 at Goldsmiths. Schedule listed below.
RSVP here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/art-music-and-the-brain-tickets-47059184287
Music, Mind and Brain homepage: http://www.musicmindbrain.com
Day One (19/07/2018)
Launch of the MSc in Psychology of the Arts, Neuroaesthetics and Creativity (PANC)
1.30 pm: Aesthetic and Creative Cognition
Guido Orgs: Introduction to PANC
Rebecca Chamberlain: Embodied Aesthetics of Graffiti Art
Joydeep Bhattacharya: The Cognitive Neuroscience of Creativity
Short Break (10 min)
Jonny Freeman: Immersion and Presence in VR
Theodoros Papatheodorou: Computational Arts: From drawing tools to intelligent machines
Anastasia Seregina: Aesthetics in Consumer Research
3.30 – 4 pm: Coffee Break
4 pm: Keynote
Robert Pepperell (Professor of Fine Arts, Cardiff Metropoiltan University): Art, Energy and the Brain
5 pm: Panel Discussion: Where the arts meet the sciences – Working across and between disciplines
Henrietta Hale (Dog Kennell Hill Project / Independent Dance)
Karen Boswell (Adam & Eve DDB)
Dr Daniel Glaser, Director of the Science Gallery London
Prof Robert Pepperell, Head of Fine Art Department, Cardiff Metropolitan University
6 pm: Wine Reception
7 pm: Lecture Performance
Dog Kennel Hill Project presents Our True Feelings
Day Two (20/07/2018)
10th anniversary celebration of the MSc in Music, Mind and Brain (MMB)
9 am: MMB cohort 2017-18: Poster Presentations
10.45 am: Welcome to 10 years of Music, Mind and Brain
Lauren Stewart, Daniel Müllensiefen
11 am: Keynote
Rebecca Schaefer (University of Leiden, NL): Moving to music: Neural, cognitive and kinematic findings
12 pm: Research talks MMB alumni:
Alex Billig (MMB 2010-2011): Cortical reflections of auditory ambiguity
Dawn Rose (MMB 2010 - 2011): Musical training and transfer effects
Kelly Jakubowski (MMB 2011 - 2012): Musical rhythm perception across (and within) cultures
Pedro Kirk (MMB 2014-2015): Sonic Sleeve: A Stroke Rehabilitation Aid
Nora Schaal (MMB 2011 - 2012): From non-invasive brain stimulation studies on musical memory to music interventions in gynaecological settings
2.30 pm: From MMB to industry: MMB alumni explain their professional world
Aifric Lenon (MMB 2016-17): "Faking it or working hard? How I transitioned from a biomedical scientist to a project manager at one of the best music agencies in the world - all through a one year of Music Mind and Brain"
Tabitha Trahan (MMB 2014-15): “Is your sound in or Soundout?: data analytics and music market research”
Neo Kaplanis (MMB 2011-12): “Reproduction of the sound of music. The role of Research & Development team”
Merel Vercammen (MMB 2013-14): "The New Mozart Effect: transforming a scientific study into an interactive musical performance"
4 pm: MMB Career networking
Music Therapy and the clinical world
Informing a career in music with science
Music consultancy and advertising
Consumer research and marketing
The audio and tech industry
PhD and the academic career, in the UK and abroad
7 pm: Jam Session – Everyone Welcome (BYOI: Bring your own instrument)